Sensors for demanding environmental conditions


Explosion protection ATEX / functional safety (SIL)
The recording of machine operating conditions, such as vibrations and pressures, as well as the evaluation of this measurement data, enable the detection of irregularities and resulting damage. Monitoring solutions help to increase the operational safety of the plant and improve production efficiency. Necessary maintenance work can be planned in advance on the basis of measurement data.

PCB Piezotronics and Setra Systems sensors offer solutions for detecting incipient faults and damage. Both manufacturers have a wide range of vibration and pressure sensors and that beyond the standard: sensors with EX approval for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and SIL2-compliant sensors for systems where functional safety is a condition.

Information and examples on the topics of ATEX and SIL are summarised in the brochure Sensors with approvals for demanding environmental conditions and suitable products are presented.



